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We're building this concept from the ground floor up and creating new words to describe it. You know, like WHOLE RADIO, COMMUNITY COOPERATIVE RADIO, RADIO YOU WANNA LISTEN TO, MULTICULTURAL CREATIVE COLLECTIVE, DIVERGENT DIVERSITY & INCLUSION RADIO. Enjoy the sample below. Then, click on the "Schedule" link to see our current programming. Click on the "Support US" tab to see easy ways to support our station. THEN, click on the listen link above to listen to our programs 24/7.
blahblahblahyadayadayad_mdbmastered_HighArtist Name
00:00 / 08:17


  • We use satire, intensive intellectual processing (it looks like a phaser beam) to push the needle on positive social engineering and cutting through the BS. Plus, we encourage Elder Participation and inclusion, diversity participation and inclusion and cultural diversity and participation. Listen, Enjoy, Submit Content and be a part of the revolution.
  • Your Book Reading - 3-5 pages from anywhere in the book - read through any device and send us the file - we'll add sound effects and music. OR just email the pages to us and we'll take it from there.

  • Satire/humor Radio Script - 3 minutes - 3 pages max - double space

  • Audio Monologue - 3-10 mins max - Race, class, equity, the world, life, people, relationships. Raw or edited. No rants about hating black people and immigrants or people's sexual orientation. That's what bowling league pizza hut parties are for. Turn on your phone, record, edit or just send it.

  • Cooperative Script - Scene 1 only

  • Neighborhood News - Audio 2-5 mins - City / Date / Headline - Audio file

  • Complete Satire - Audio / audio blog - 5-60 mins

  • ​Complete Satire - Short Story / Text / audio - 30-60 minutes

  • Cooperative Satire - first page / Text - we'll finish it and produce it

  • Music Video - 3-5 mins - Audio / Video

  • Cooperative Novel - Chapter 1 - Title and paragraph - Page 1 - we'll write the next three pages and produce


  • Completed Podcast - If you'd like us to consider your Podcast, please email the audio file and a 3-5 minute audio intro - All contributors will get to talk about their personal genius before each program airs.

  • All copyrights are retained by contributors for original submitted works. A full copyright policy will be posted soon.

  • Remember, there is strength in a creative collective. Collectives provide support, marketing, and a sense of community. Help us build a interactive community that welcomes EVERYONE, and recognizes the genius in us all.

Raymond F. Quinton

Founder, Talent, Co-Station Manager, Writer, Executive Producer, and mostly nice, altruistic fellow Black Human.



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